This team of volunteers plans, co-ordinates, and facilitates opportunities to engage other members in faith formation, prayer and evangelism. The various ministry opportunities include: Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School, Youth Ministry, Bible Study, Prayer Groups, Meditation Groups, and Movie & Dinner Events.
Church Life
This team of volunteers plans, co-ordinates, and facilitates opportunities to engage other members in social interaction. The various opportunities include: Mardi Gras!, Lenten Soup Suppers, Ice Cream Sundae Sunday, Church Picnic, Thanksgiving Prayer Service & Dinner, and Bereavement Luncheons.
This team of volunteers tends to the upkeep of the property. They plan special clean-up days, grounds keeping days, coordinate snow removal, lawn care, and take care of anything property related.
Servant Outreach/Parish Health Ministry
This team of volunteers plans, co-ordinates, and facilitates opportunities to serve others in the local community, the broader community and the worldwide community. They also provide opportunities for members to focus on health and wellness. The various opportunities include: Grief Ministry, Blood Drives, Prayer Shawl Ministry, making lap quilts for nursing home residents, making blankets for the Linus Project, Crop Walk, the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk, Lutheran World Relief School Kits, youth member school kits, Angel Tree, Wesleyville Food Pantry, Bethany Outreach Center clothing drive, winter hats & mittens for Iroquois Elementary School.
This team of volunteers monitors the financial health of the congregation: their work includes preparing a yearly budget, reviewing the monthly financial statements and presenting a yearly stewardship appeal.
Worship & Music
This team of volunteers plans, co-ordinates, and facilitates worship opportunities for the congregation. They discuss and implement ideas that relate to worship including: Sunday Services, live streaming, Choir, Bell Choir, Lenten Vespers, Thanksgiving Prayer Service, Special Services, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, audio techs, video techs, Counters, Greeters, Altar Guild, and Environment & Art.